// "HistogramOfResultsValues" // This macro creates a histogram from a selected column in the "Results" table. var variables = newArray("Area", "Mean", "StdDev", "Mode", "Min", "Max", "Perim.", "Circ.", "IntDen", "Median","Skew","Kurt" ); var variable = "Mean"; var nBins = 20; macro "Histogram of Results..." { requires("1.34m"); n = nResults; if (n==0) exit("Results table is empty"); Dialog.create("Histrogram"); Dialog.addChoice("Variable:", variables, variable); Dialog.addNumber("Number of Bins:", nBins); Dialog.show(); variable = Dialog.getChoice(); nBins = Dialog.getNumber(); //setBatchMode(true); // works in 1.35a or later if (isNaN(getResult(variable, 0))) exit("\""+ variable +"\" not in results table"); newImage(variable, "32-bit", n, 1, 1); for (i=0; i