requires("1.29o"); print(""); print(" Math functions"); print('absolute value of -2: ' + abs(-2)); // single quotes are also okay "e^1: " + exp(1); // shortcut for print("e^1: " + exp(1)); "1.9 rounded: " + round(1.9) // okay to leave off ';' outside of loops "1.9 truncated: " + floor(1.9) "2^16: " + pow(2,16) "square root of 2: " + sqrt(2) "minOf(2,3): "+minOf(2,3) "maxOf(2,3): "+maxOf(2,3) print(""); print("Angle Sine Cosine Tangent"); for (degrees=0; degrees<=180; degrees+=30) { radians = degrees*(PI/180); print(degrees+" "+d2s(sin(radians),4)+" "+d2s(cos(radians),4)+" "+d2s(tan(radians),4)); } print(""); print("n logE(n) log10(n)"); for (n=1; n<=1000000; n*=10) print(n+" "+d2s(log(n),4)+" "+d2s(log(n)/log(10),4)); " " " String functions" "1.23456 to 2 decimal places: " + d2s(1.23456, 2) // d2s = double to string "9.99 rounded to an integer is: " + d2s(9.99, 0) "65535 in hex: " + toHex(65535) "240 (hex f0) in binary: " + toBinary(0xf0) " " " getTime function" n=400000; start=getTime(); for (i=0; i0) { print("Title: "+getTitle()); print("Width: "+getWidth()); print("Height: "+getHeight()); print("Slices: "+nSlices); } else print("No images are open");