package ij.process;
import ij.measure.*;
import java.awt.*;

/** Statistics, including the histogram, of an image or selection. */
public class ImageStatistics implements Measurements {

    /** Use the hIstogram() method to get the histogram as a double  array. */
    public int[] histogram;
    /** Int pixel count (limited to 2^31-1) */
    public int pixelCount;
    /** Long pixel count */
    public long longPixelCount; 
    /** Mode */
    public double dmode;
    /** Mode of 256 bin histogram (counts limited to 2^31-1) */ 
    public int mode;
    public double area;
    public double min;
    public double max;
    public double mean;
    public double median;
    public double stdDev;
    public double skewness;
    public double kurtosis;
    public double xCentroid;
    public double yCentroid;
    public double xCenterOfMass;
    public double yCenterOfMass;
    public double roiX, roiY, roiWidth, roiHeight;
    /** Uncalibrated mean */
    public double umean;
    /** Length of major axis of fitted ellipse */
    public double major;
    /** Length of minor axis of fitted ellipse */
    public double minor;
    /** Angle in degrees of fitted ellipse */
    public double angle;
    /** Bin width 1 histogram of 16-bit images */
    public int[] histogram16;
    /** Long histogram; use getHIstogram() to retrieve. */
    protected long[] longHistogram;
    public double areaFraction;
    /** Used internally by AnalyzeParticles */
    public int xstart, ystart;
    /** Used by HistogramWindow */
    public boolean stackStatistics;
    /** Minimum threshold when "Limit to threshold" enabled */
    public double lowerThreshold = Double.NaN;  
    /** Maximum threshold when "Limit to threshold" enabled */
    public double upperThreshold = Double.NaN;  
    public double histMin;
    public double histMax;
    public int histYMax;
    public int maxCount;
    public int nBins = 256;
    public double binSize = 1.0;
    protected int width, height;
    protected int rx, ry, rw, rh;
    protected double pw, ph;
    protected Calibration cal;
    EllipseFitter ef;

    /** Calculates and returns uncalibrated (raw) statistics for the
     * specified image, including histogram, area, mean, min and
     * max, standard deviation and mode.  Use ImageProcessor.setRoi(x,y,width,height)
     * to limit statistics to a rectangular area and ImageProcessor.setRoi(Roi)
     * to limit to a non-rectangular area.
     * @see ij.process.ImageProcessor#setRoi(int,int,int,int)
     * @see ij.process.ImageProcessor#setRoi(Roi)
     * @see ij.process.ImageProcessor#getStats
    public static ImageStatistics getStatistics(ImageProcessor ip) {
        return getStatistics(ip, AREA+MEAN+STD_DEV+MODE+MIN_MAX+RECT, null);

    /** Calculates and returns statistics for the specified
     * image using the specified measurent options
     * and calibration. Use ImageProcessor.setRoi(x,y,width,height)
     * to limit statistics to a rectangular area and ImageProcessor.setRoi(Roi)
     * to limit to a non-rectangular area.
     * @see ij.process.ImageProcessor#setRoi(int,int,int,int)
     * @see ij.process.ImageProcessor#setRoi(Roi)
     * @see ij.measure.Measurements
    public static ImageStatistics getStatistics(ImageProcessor ip, int mOptions, Calibration cal) {
        Object pixels = ip.getPixels();
        if (pixels instanceof byte[])
            return new ByteStatistics(ip, mOptions, cal);
        else if (pixels instanceof short[])
            return new ShortStatistics(ip, mOptions, cal);
        else if (pixels instanceof int[])
            return new ColorStatistics(ip, mOptions, cal);
        else if (pixels instanceof float[])
            return new FloatStatistics(ip, mOptions, cal);
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Pixels are not byte, short, int or float");

    void getRawMinAndMax(int minThreshold, int maxThreshold) {
        int min = minThreshold;
        while ((histogram[min] == 0) && (min < 255))
        this.min = min;
        int max = maxThreshold;
        while ((histogram[max] == 0) && (max > 0))
        this.max = max;

    void getRawStatistics(int minThreshold, int maxThreshold) {
        int count;
        double value;
        double sum = 0.0;
        double sum2 = 0.0;
        for (int i=minThreshold; i<=maxThreshold; i++) {
            count = histogram[i];
            longPixelCount += count;
            sum += (double)i*count;
            value = i;
            sum2 += (value*value)*count;
            if (count>maxCount) {
                maxCount = count;
                mode = i;
        pixelCount = (int)longPixelCount;
        area = longPixelCount*pw*ph;
        mean = sum/longPixelCount;
        umean = mean;
        dmode = mode;
        calculateStdDev(longPixelCount, sum, sum2);
        histMin = 0.0;
        histMax = 255.0;
    void calculateStdDev(double n, double sum, double sum2) {
        if (n>0.0) {
            stdDev = (n*sum2-sum*sum)/n;
            if (stdDev>0.0)
                stdDev = Math.sqrt(stdDev/(n-1.0));
                stdDev = 0.0;
        } else
            stdDev = 0.0;
    void setup(ImageProcessor ip, Calibration cal) {
        width = ip.getWidth();
        height = ip.getHeight(); = cal;
        Rectangle roi = ip.getRoi();
        if (roi != null) {
            rx = roi.x;
            ry = roi.y;
            rw = roi.width;
            rh = roi.height;
        else {
            rx = 0;
            ry = 0;
            rw = width;
            rh = height;
        if (cal!=null) {
            pw = cal.pixelWidth;
            ph = cal.pixelHeight;
        } else {
            pw = 1.0;
            ph = 1.0;
        roiX = cal!=null?cal.getX(rx):rx;
        roiY = cal!=null?cal.getY(ry, height):ry;
        roiWidth = rw*pw;
        roiHeight = rh*ph;
    void getCentroid(ImageProcessor ip) {
        byte[] mask = ip.getMaskArray();
        int count=0, mi;
        double xsum=0.0, ysum=0.0;
        for (int y=ry,my=0; y<(ry+rh); y++,my++) {
            mi = my*rw;
            for (int x=rx; x<(rx+rw); x++) {
                if (mask==null||mask[mi++]!=0) {
                    xsum += x;
                    ysum += y;
        xCentroid = xsum/count+0.5;
        yCentroid = ysum/count+0.5;
        if (cal!=null) {
            xCentroid = cal.getX(xCentroid);
            yCentroid = cal.getY(yCentroid, height);
    void fitEllipse(ImageProcessor ip, int mOptions) {
        ImageProcessor originalMask = null;
        boolean limitToThreshold = (mOptions&LIMIT)!=0 && ip.getMinThreshold()!=ImageProcessor.NO_THRESHOLD;
        if (limitToThreshold) {
            ImageProcessor mask = ip.getMask();
            Rectangle r = ip.getRoi();
            if (mask==null) {
                mask = new ByteProcessor(r.width, r.height);
            } else {
                originalMask = mask;
                mask = mask.duplicate();
            int n = r.width*r.height;
            double t1 = ip.getMinThreshold();
            double t2 = ip.getMaxThreshold();
            double value;
            for (int y=0; y<r.height; y++) {
                for (int x=0; x<r.width; x++) {
                    value = ip.getf(r.x+x, r.y+y);
                    if (value<t1 || value>t2)
                        mask.setf(x, y, 0f);
        if (ef==null)
            ef = new EllipseFitter();, this);
        if (limitToThreshold) {
            if (originalMask==null)
        double psize = (Math.abs(pw-ph)/pw)<.01?pw:0.0;
        major = ef.major*psize;
        minor = ef.minor*psize;
        angle = ef.angle;
        xCentroid = ef.xCenter;
        yCentroid = ef.yCenter;
        if (cal!=null) {
            xCentroid = cal.getX(xCentroid);
            yCentroid = cal.getY(yCentroid, height);
    public void drawEllipse(ImageProcessor ip) {
        if (ef!=null)
    void calculateMedian(int[] hist, int first, int last, Calibration cal) {
        //ij.IJ.log("calculateMedian: "+first+"  "+last+"  "+hist.length+"  "+pixelCount);
        if (pixelCount==0 || first<0 || last>hist.length) {
            median = Double.NaN;
        double sum = 0;
        int i = first-1;
        double halfCount = pixelCount/2.0;
        do {
            sum += hist[++i];
        } while (sum<=halfCount && i<last);
        median = cal!=null?cal.getCValue(i):i;
    void calculateAreaFraction(ImageProcessor ip, int[] hist) {
        int sum = 0;
        int total = 0;
        int t1 = (int)Math.round(ip.getMinThreshold());
        int t2 = (int)Math.round(ip.getMaxThreshold());
        if (t1==ImageProcessor.NO_THRESHOLD) {
            for (int i=0; i<hist.length; i++)
                total += hist[i];
            sum = total - hist[0];
        } else {
            for (int i=0; i<hist.length; i++) {
                if (i>=t1 && i<=t2)
                    sum += hist[i];
                total += hist[i];
        areaFraction = sum*100.0/total;
    /** Returns the histogram as an array of doubles. */
    public double[] histogram() {
        double[] hist = new double[histogram.length];
        for (int i=0; i<hist.length; i++) {
            if (longHistogram!=null)
                hist[i] = longHistogram[i];
                hist[i] = histogram[i];
        return hist;

    /** Returns the histogram as an array of longs. */
    public long[] getHistogram() {
        double[] hist = histogram();
        long[] hist2 = new long[hist.length];
        for (int i=0; i<hist.length; i++)
            hist2[i] = (long)hist[i];
        return hist2;
    public String toString() {
        return "stats[count="+pixelCount+", mean="+mean+", min="+min+", max="+max+"]";
    protected void saveThreshold(double minThreshold, double maxThreshold, Calibration cal) {
        if (cal!=null) {
            minThreshold = cal.getCValue(minThreshold);
            maxThreshold = cal.getCValue(maxThreshold);
        lowerThreshold = minThreshold;
        upperThreshold = maxThreshold;
